Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Pee-Pee in the Pot-tay!

Tonight I am one PROUD mommy. My littlest guy-Phillip- went pee pee on the potty for the first time! He doesn't even turn 2 until September 19th! We put the training potty in the bathroom a few weeks ago and he has started showing some interest in it the past few days. Tonight he finished a bottle of water, yelled "Potty!" and ran into the bathroom. After a few minutes and singing and babbling he went pee pee. I was so excited that I picked him up and started singing "Pee pee in the pot-tay!" If you have ever seen Look Who's Talking you know what I'm talking about.

I'm so proud of my little guy and I can't wait for the day when there are no more diapers to change...at least for a little while.

In other Phillybug news... he is no longer allergic to dairy OR soy!! We don't know what happened, especially since he had such a severe allergy, but he has had no problem with either for the last few weeks. This means that we will be able to have a BIRTHDAY CAKE!!
I'm really happy right now and I'm so thankful for the wonderful strides all three of my children are making. It is days like this that I just LOVE being a mommy.


  1. What did you do to get him to go? How did you introduce the potty?

  2. I just put the potty in the bathroom and told his brother and sister to sit on it to show him.

  3. Great news about the allergy. My eldest is 2 1/2 but has decided that anything butb a nappy is yucky. He can use the potty and will if he feels like it but otherwise just wont. Never mind I am sure he wont be in nappies when he is 15!

    1. I was so excited that I picked him up and started singing "Pee pee in the pot-tay!" If you have ever seen Look Who's Talking you know what I'm talking about Naltrexone.

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    بمجرد أتصالك عميلنا العزيز سيصلك عملائنا فى أسرع وقت .
