Thursday, June 30, 2011

Pin Wheel Frame and a Work of Art

My little girl made me the most beautiful picture the other day. It was the first time she ever colored a picture of me. I loved it so much that I framed it, but the frame was sad and shabby. Not the good kind of shabby, but the kind that says "You've moved 6 times in 6 years and I've suffered for it."

Samantha's work of art needed a special home, so I dug through my scrapbook paper, took out the Mod Podge and went to work. Here is the finished result:

Pinwheel instructions can be found HERE

Isn't that adorable? She even gave me green eyes!

It isn't nearly as beautiful as the picture it is framing, but it is a vast improvement. :)

Gettin' my link on with:



Somewhat Simple

Transformation Thursday

Rhinestone Beagle

Confessions of a SAHM


  1. That picture is priceless. I still have the first picture that my daughter drew of me. I have freckles, so you can only imagine what it looked like. Great job on the frame.

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