Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Tuesday Confessional 'Sew' Awesome Features

It is only day 1 of the link party and I am blown away by the insane talent out there! Here are a few posts that are just 'sew' awesome:

Show Tell Share made this adorable pillow AND was the first to link up. Way to go!

Creating My Way to Success made these reusable sandwich bags for the cutest picnic ever!

Look at these pocket bibs from Just Another Hang Up. Aren't they cute??

Suburbs Mama did an awesome job on this padded iPad pouch.

I just adore the cute little pocket on Seven Alive's movie night pillow.

My Own Road makes me want to take a pair of scissors to my hubby's shirts
 with this bow cuff bracelet.

These Pillow Case Dresses from Southern Lovely are on my to-do list.

Change the way you look at ruffles with Inspiration and Realisation.

If you were featured grab a button so everyone knows that you are kind of a big deal. :)

I have fussy kids to tend to, but I'll be back later with more awesome features.
Remember...the link party goes through the 1st so link up! http://www.craftyconfessions.com/2011/06/tuesday-confessional-link-party.html


  1. Aw, thank you so much for featuring my little pillow case dresses! So sweet of you!

  2. Thank you for featuring my sandwich wraps!!

    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  3. Thank you - Thank you for the nice feature. I appreciate it so much! - Suzanne

  4. Thank you for the feature! I've grabbed my button with pride :)

  5. Lots of cute crafts! I have a fun craft giveaway going on over at my blog right now--it ends later this week so you should stop by and enter! It would be perfect for pictures of your kids! www.samandlaurenbattershell.blogspot.com

  6. Thank you so much for the feature.

  7. Thanks for featuring my Pin Tuck Pillow! It is wonderful to be included in such great projects!

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