Friday, July 24, 2015

Mini Cup Pin Cushion and DIY Pins

Say hello to my newest pin cushion.

This little thing started out as a decorative candle from Dollar Tree, but had a higher destiny: To keep my straight pins off my craft room floor, and out of the bottoms of my feet. Here's how to make your own:

Let the candle burn for a few hours, and pour the wax out. Don't worry if some wax gets left behind since the cushion will cover it anyway. If you can't find one of these cute candles you can use an espresso cup, or even a piece of a miniature tea set.

To make the cushion cut a circle from your desired fabric. Mine was around 6 inches across. Hand sew a running stitch around the circle, fill with stuffing (or steel wool to keep your pins sharp), and cinch it shut. Sew through it a few times to secure.

Put a few circles of hot glue around the inside of the cup rim and press the cushion in place. You'll only get one shot at this, so make sure it is where you want it.

That's it! Now you've got an adorable new pin cushion. But, wait! You need some equally adorable pins! If you are like me you've got dozens of random beads lying around. Give them some new life by placing a dab of E-6000 on and slightly below the pin head. Slide your bead to the top, and hold in place for a few minutes.
If you don't have the time or patience to hold the beads in place simply slide them into a piece of styrofoam or a soda cup lid and let them sit for at least an hour before removing.

For another easy pin makeover use Sculpy clay to cover the pin heads and bake at 275 degrees for 15 minutes. Both the pins and the cushion would make a lovely gift for any seamstress.


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  24. Crafty Confessions" likely refers to a blog, website, or platform where individuals share their creative projects, DIY crafts, or artistic endeavors. This term suggests a space for people to confess or reveal their crafting experiences, ideas, and tips. For specific details about the "Crafty Confessions" platform, it is recommended to visit the associated blog or website directly.
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  25. The Mini Cup Pin Cushion is a charming sewing accessory with a charming design and DIY pins that are both functional and fun. It's a must-have for crafters. divorce and family law new york

  26. This DIY project transforms a Dollar Tree candle into a pin cushion, adding a personalized touch with fabric circles and stuffing. The project also provides alternatives for those who may not find the same candle, such as an espresso cup or miniature tea set. The step-by-step instructions are clear and concise, and the use of steel wool for pin sharpness and hot glue for securing the cushion inside the cup is practical. The project also repurposes random beads to create unique pins, using E-6000 glue for a strong bond and styrofoam or a soda cup lid for those with less time or patience. The project not only provides a functional solution for organizing pins but also adds a touch of charm with the personalized pin cushion and unique pins. The project serves a practical purpose in organizing craft supplies and encourages creativity and resourcefulness. Overall, this DIY project is an enjoyable and achievable endeavor for anyone interested in adding a personalized touch to their crafting space. abogado lesiones personales virginia

  27. "how to file for uncontested divorce in virginia"
    The Mini Cup Pin Cushion is a versatile and functional sewing accessory that can be personalized with DIY Pins. It offers a creative touch to your sewing accessories, allowing you to experiment with different fabrics and colors to match your space or style. Explore various pin designs, from quirky shapes to thematic choices, to add a unique flair to your toolkit. Share your creations with the crafting community to inspire others to create personalized pin cushions and DIY Pins.

  28. خطوات طباعة استيكر لاصق :
    اختيار مادة الاستيكر:

    يجب اختيار نوعية جيدة من الورق اللاصق الشفاف أو الفينيل الشفاف الذي يتوافق مع نوع الطابعة (مثل طابعات الليزر أو طابعات النفث الحبري).
    تصميم الملصق:

    إعداد التصميم باستخدام برامج التصميم الجرافيكي مثل Adobe Illustrator أو Photoshop. يجب التأكد من أن الخلفية شفافة في التصميم، وأن الألوان والكتابة واضحة ومناسبة للطباعة على السطح الشفاف.

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  30. "Crafty Confessions" probably refers to a blog, website, or other platform where people discuss their artistic undertakings, do-it-yourself crafts, or creative ventures. This phrase implies a place where people may open up about their creating ideas, experiences, and advice. It is advised to go straight to the related blog or website for more detailed information regarding the "Crafty Confessions" platform.
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  31. رولات سلوفان هو نوع من مواد التعبئة المصممة لحماية المنتجات وتغليفها بطريقة آمنة وجذابة باستخدام الحرارة لتشكيل غلاف محكم ومتين. يُستخدم بشكل شائع في التطبيقات التجارية والصناعية لحماية المنتجات من الغبار، والرطوبة، والخدوش أثناء النقل أو التخزين.

  32. This blog is a delightful guide for crafters looking to create their own mini cup pin cushions and DIY pins. It combines creativity and functionality, making sewing and crafting more enjoyable. Perfect for adding a personal touch to your workspace or as a charming handmade gift! filing for divorce in virginia
